Why or how did this penguin get up to the artic?
no matter, probably won't see him again anyway.
Why or how did this penguin get up to the artic?
no matter, probably won't see him again anyway.
Arctic doesnt neccesarily mean its in the Arctic itself. It can mean a cold place... well anyway thanks for your rude review, dont bother reviewing again if you cant give any feedback or useful comments.
our institutions
I think it's great our institutions for the deranged allow the patients the opportunity to make flash flics.
not much for the flash
but i'm glad you didn't try to get a laugh. still liked the style
one of my high school classmates is a space shuttle astronaut(on the last flight)so i am biased.
i see so many reviews and remarks on the bbs that show no pain, some because they didn't know them. this troubles me.
i always felt it was our duty to make the world better for those that follow; i still do, but often wonder why.
Atleast you voted fairly on it, and spoke what was on your mind. Honesty is always good, and of course always welcome.
I'm sorry but I didn't really understand about your classmate, but either way, if he/she was on the shuttle, I am extremely sorry. I just hope I misunderstood you.
new history?
maybe you should do a quick web search about Valentine's day- (and there is a library in your jr. high school)
no doubt
no question it sucked, but i am looking forward to better stuff from you. keep workin and have a story (plot)- maybe alien visits your home (oh dread!)
at first . . .
started great but then i felt let down - good stuff all in all
as i recall, when you select a menu item, somthing happens. I guess you forgot that part.
big file for small show
evil stuff - why not some nice things, like sunshine and the zoo and smaller file for the content. i don't mind a big file but if you do more, how big would it be?
Joined on 12/15/02